A2-A2 Raw Milk & Cream

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Letting go of healthy

Hey friends, Tasha here!

So. Years ago I woke up one morning (more like late morning/noon) and I was fed up. “I’m tired of being sick and tired!” I declared to my body. And off to work I went to find my cure.

Jumping all in - cuz that’s just what I do :) - I eliminated processed foods, and meat. I solely focused on fruits, vegetables and fermented dairy & grains. I did this for 2+ years and saw results! I released excess weight and felt a lot better! I did notice that even tho my pant size was down, my depression and anxiety was up. I still had low energy, just in different ways. So I dug in to search more healthy answers.

At some point I noticed that going to social events with food brought me so much stress. I was so consumed with what was "healthy" and what was "bad" that I isolated myself from people or places that would lead me astray. I didn’t want to make a wrong choice and mess up everything.

I was not wanting to go to social events because I didn’t want to fall off the wagon.

Sound familiar?

Then I learned to shift my thoughts from shame based to informative thoughts.

Shame based comments focus on how your making a wrong choice. Informative thoughts show that its merely a choice.

Read these two examples and tell me what emotion comes up when reading each one.


“I wanted to eat that oreo on the counter but I know that it will make me fat because if I eat any oreos then instantly I will gain weight because its unhealthy for me and oh crap I just ate an oreo so I completely lost all my progress so I might as well give up on the rest of my day of healthy eating. And if I gave up on my resolve to eat better today then the whole month is over because Halloween is in three weeks. Then after Halloween…ugh there’s no hope.”


“Hey look, there’s the package of oreo’s I bought yesterday. That sounds yummy. Are they high in nutrients? No and that’s okay. I’ve been pretty stressed lately with my family issues so I’m going to enjoy something that I like. It’s cool if I enjoy the whole package or just a few because I know it doesn’t define my worth. I’m pretty sure I’ll be satisfied after a few because I’ve trained my brain to know it can trust me and I don’t go into restriction/binge mode.”


Stark difference, right?? How’d you feel reading the thought process of Example 1? How about Example 2? Words are powerful! What we say to ourselves triggers emotion. That emotion sets off action and actions create results.

I absolutely LOVE eating whole foods. I also have days that I absolutely LOVE eating ice cream. My rule of thumb is to create a pantry of balance and also a mind of balance.

You’ll find your own rhythm with whole-nutrient dense foods and less nutrient dense foods. You got this!
