A2-A2 Raw Milk & Cream

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“Your milk is saving my life”

A customer came in today and my heart ached for her.

I don’t know her super well, and she just mentioned how she has health problems. She has lost weight because of a very stressful divorce…weight that she couldn’t afford to loose.

The conversation was brief and at the end she told me that our milk was saving her life.

We said our farewell greetings and that was it. Very short and simple conversation.

Yet. It touched my heart.

How many other of our customers are going through hard and heavy things?

When she said how important our milk was to her I felt honored to be apart of helping her in someway.

Seriously honored to be her farmer.

I just want you, the reader, to know that I might not know what’s going on in your life but my heart goes out to you.

To suffer alone is one of the greatest pains in life - in my opinion.

So I want to validate you and give you this big hug from me.

You, who through all the challenges still find a way to keep going.

You are important and your pain is felt.

I have worked through my own dark pits of hell and I just want you to know I think your amazing.

In those awful moments, all I wanted was for someone to believe in me.

Now I am that one, I believe in myself.

Until you are able to find that in yourself - just know that I have full confidence in your capabilities.

I now can see that there is a purpose to feeling those despairing feelings. There is a reason we have rainy days.

Because. Without the rain, the sun would be too much. The plants would falter.

Rain, at all levels, has a place and purpose.

You can do hard things.

Sending all my love,
