Easy Kefir Cultured Butter

I cannot get over how much I LOVE this way of making butter! Seriously all the heart emojis and starry eyes.

It is quick, easy and so delicious!

I had you at quick and easy, am I right? ;) That’s honestly what I look for in recipes as a mom of 5.

Now combine those two with nutrient dense and I’m all yours…k now I sound like a wieirdo.—->Oh well, if the shoe fits! haha

But seriously! When foods are easy and are packed with valuable nutrients for me and my family I get so excited.

The common stores of today are all about fast foods yet those same foods are low on the nutritional scale. Low meaning - Ya just ain’t getting much of anything to fuel your body.

Cultured butter gives you SO MANY vitamins and minerals and fats (I promise there are good fats) that your body can actually use!

How I make my Kefir Cultured Butter:

To skip the kefir part jump to step 4 using non-cultured raw cream

STEP 1 - Pour 2 pints (1 quart) of raw milk cream into a quart glass jar. Add 1-2 Tablespoons of kefir grains/cultures.

STEP 2 - Allow to culture or ferment on the counter for 24 hours. It’ll be a nice thick consistence.

STEP 3 - Strain your kefir grains over a bowl. (I use an 8” fine mesh strainer) **Then restart the process of your kefir grains. If I don’t need more butter I will just add raw milk instead of cream. Or I’ll make kefir sour cream.

STEP 4 - Pour the cultured cream (that you just separated in a bowl) into your butter maker of choice. I make mine in my Vitamix blender.

STEP 5 - Turn on medium/high for about 2 minutes…you’ll see it changing from thin to thick to chunks of butter. It does help to keep the temperature of your cream on the cooler side! Google recommends 50-60 degrees. Mine does just fine at room temp.

STEP 6 - Separate butter and butter milk. I love using what’s called a nut bag strainer. Be sure and keep your buttermilk and use it to add to pancakes, breads or syrup!

STEP 7 - Rinse in cold water. Again I love my strainer bag because I can knead the butter while rinsing and get all the extra buttermilk out really well.

STEP 8 - Enjoy! You can put it in butter molds or I just round my up on a plate. If you rub your hand back and forth quickly across the top of a round ball of butter it will smooth it out. That looks prettier than just plopping it on a plate.

It’s so great to leave my butter on the counter and it still taste amazing after a week! Before, when I did non-cultured raw butter, I did not like the taste if I left it out even for a day. Now I grab a slice of sourdough anytime and lather it with soft tasty butter!

What’s your favorite way to use kefir? Drop a comment below and tell me what you love to do!



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