Top 10 benefits of Raw Milk

So I didn’t grow up on raw milk. I was raised on a large scale farm back east in Michigan.

My mom and dad had chickens, horses, cats, dogs, farm ground and a garden. No cow tho! How dair[y] they. ;)

It wasn’t until Alma and I got hitched and purchased a dairy that I got to experience raw milk.

So like some of you, it was a very new thing in my life.

In my youth I dreamed of having my own milk cow and all the fun animals on a homestead. I even shared this with the hubby while we were dating! (talk about manifesting) I had him at homestead. LOL!

Cool thing is - raw milk isn’t new. It has been part of life for centuries. Different cultures might have different types of milk i.e. goat, sheep, camel, alligator-just kidding haha but you get what I’m saying. There is variety!

One reason its been around for so long has much to do with the benefits.

1- Reduces Allergies

Nutrients like probiotics, vitamin D and immunoglobulins (antibodies) found in raw milk naturally boost the immune system and reduce the risk of allergies in both children and adults. Enzymes found in raw milk help with digestion but are destroyed during pasteurization (conventional milk) which can contribute to lactose intolerance.

2- Improves Skin Health

Why? It contains healthy fats, and probiotics listed below. These fats and probiotics do wonders for gut health and in turn, your beautiful organ known as skin!

3- Probiotics

Raw milk has so many probiotics - live enzymes & bacteria - that aid the digestive system greatly!

4- Omega-3

Raw milk contains 62% more omega-3 fats and 25% fewer omega-6 fats compared to conventional milk.

5- Calcium

Raw milk is a well know source for calcium (a building block for strong bones - when coupled with other nutrients). Conventional milk adds calcium to it.

Fun fact: our bodies have a hard time utilizing isolated minerals and supplements. So even though processed foods say “with calcium” it isn’t in its natural form, nor paired with other minerals that make it bioavailable…so you are not getting what is claimed your getting.

6- Assorted vitamins and minerals

So many! Vitamins A, B, C, D and E along with minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus and iron. I love to ferment raw milk (kefir) to make these vitamins and minerals even more absorbable!

7- Proteins

Majority of milk proteins are made of casein. This means it can help maintain healthy blood pressure and increase the absorption of minerals.

8- Helps Prevent Nutrient Deficiencies

One serving of raw milk contains about 400 milligrams of calcium, 50 milligrams of magnesium and 500 milligrams of potassium. These all are vitally important for cellular function, hydration, building bone density, blood circulation, detoxification, muscle health and metabolism.

These happen to be three minerals many children and adults are deficient in.

9- No Added Ingredients

I’m a huge fan of foods that I can read exactly what’s on the ingredients list. And even better the list has only one item on it.

10- Can Be Used to Make Probiotic Foods

Make real, raw probiotic yogurt, cheeses and kefir. These foods have been around for thousands of years, and those cultures consuming them? Among the healthiest of individuals. It’s worth adjusting your taste buds for!

Take time to find a raw milk dairy farmer near you. My family has loved having the amazing benefits in our home.



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