Great Grandma Simmons Slicks

Rewind to The Great Depression years. This recipe came from Great Grandma Simmons.  

They too had a dairy…which I didn’t know until asking my mother the history of Slicks!

It was the 1940's and they had plenty of milk and got creative on how to make treats. 

So Daddy Bill (my grandfather) would beg for slicks and lovingly his mother would agree and start the process.

I like to imagine her getting testy like I do with my kids when they ask “are they done yet?” Lol makes me feel better.  

Testy but full of love. Doesn’t that define a mom to the T? 

Well that’s how I would describe myself! Haha

My mom reads all my blogs, so shout out to her for doing those things that were seemingly small.  

Now as a mother I see the sacrifices made to create a home.  

Thanks mom. My favorite color will always be blue. Love you so much.

Alright here's the recipe

1940’s Slicks Recipe

2 cups of discard sourdough 

1 cup [raw milk] cultured buttermilk

1/2 tsp Redmond salt

You can replace the sourdough for flour…just adjust the liquid ratio. Add buttermilk little at a time till it’s slightly runnier than pancake batter. 

Spread it thin on the griddle so it’s 1/4-1/2 inch thin. Don’t over cook! 

Add a little butter once it’s done and stack ‘em high!  





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