A2-A2 Raw Milk & Cream

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Why Kefir & What are the amazing benefits?

You know those days that you just are tired of being sick and tired? Yeah- I’ve had one too many. But because I had those crappy days that I thought my guts were going to explode from gas and bloating, it gave me the ‘umph’ to do some self care in the form of eating whole foods.

Kefir is a super-food that is freakin’ amazing. Why? So many of us have heard, oh you need to eat yogurt for the probiotics. The fabulous “secret” is that while yogurt has about 2 strains of beneficial bacteria (probiotic),

Kefir has 60+ strains of beneficial bacteria!

Pretty amazing. But what does that mean for you and your cute fam?

  • The prebiotic compounds found in Kefir reduce inflammation, coats the intestinal barrier (Leaky Gut Syndrome, anyone?), and promotes bacterial growth in the gut resulting in healing.

  • Kefir contains low levels of lactose.

  • Predigested protein from bacterial fermentation makes digesting kefir an ease.

  • Second fermentation of kefir increases your B-vitamins and folate.

I have noticed a big difference in my own digestion since beginning and consistently eating kefir. It’s delicious and my kids love it in smoothies.

Now 2nd fermentation kefir. . .oh buddy - it’s so yummy!! And having those increased B-vitamins and folate have been a game changer for my mood support & my guts. MMMMmmmmm.

No matter where your at in life, kefir is something everyone can benefit from.

And of all the “pet” foods you can have, kefir is SO easy. I call them my pets, because I get to keep them all alive! haha! If you know, you know. (Kombucha, Sourdough, Kefir…they’re my food babies LOL)

Grab ya some kefir grains and start today! You’ll love the change you will feel inside.
